Friday, April 14, 2017

Beauty and the Beast Songs Compared

The Beauty and the Beast soundtrack is so awesome. I'm going to list down the songs that most people are familiar with in both movies and compare them to see which version I like better. I have already blogged about how much I like the new movie but I didn't really analyse the songs in that post, so I'll be writing about the soundtrack here!

P.S. I have never watched the Beauty and the Beast Broadway musical, so this is all I know.

1. Belle

I prefer the 1991 version of this song. Many people on the Internet have expressed their disappointment over the fact that the line, "Marie! The baguettes!" was cut. However, as mentioned in my previous post, I simply did not take to Emma Watson's singing in this particular song. I like Paige O'Hara's version because she sounded bright, chirpy and the lively. Emma Watson's voice was low and seemed dull, especially at the beginning. Obviously Emma Watson already did a good job, considering how she isn't a professional singer, but still.

2. Belle (Reprise)

I'm going to give this one to Emma Watson. I like the spunk in her voice and how she cries out in frustration.

3. Gaston

Josh Gad wins, hands down. I love the the song in the live-action film so much! LeFou is awesome but the LeFou in the animated film had a slightly more annoying voice. In addition, the new song features some incredible new lyrics. Gaston sings about how he aims for the liver when he hunts and how he shoots from behind! It's gross but it makes him sound more like a coward even though he is trying to sound masculine. It causes you to respect him less, and I love it.

The song slows down at the iconic line, "I use antlers in all my decorating!" which makes this funny line more dramatic! Another addition to this song in the 2017 version is the part where LeFou tries to spell Gaston's name but realises that he is illiterate. So funny!

4. Be Our Guest

This is a hard one as they are both so good! I'm not ever going to be able to make a decision. However, I have to say that the 2017 version was a lot grander than the 1991 version. Also, the 2017 version changed the lyrics from "10 years we've been rusting" to "Too long we've been rusting". Again, this clarifies that the Beast and his servants had not been cursed for 10 years. Both songs were tastefully done.

5. Something There

I definitely like the song in the animated film better. It was hilarious that Emma Watson actually had to be hit by a gigantic snowball! But I prefer how the song was played in the background, and the characters weren't actually singing it in front of each other. The song in the animated film reflected their thoughts, which was ironically more realistic than the live-action film. Also, I like how the Beast dropped the huge snowball on himself!

6. The Mob Song

Luke Evans and Josh Gad win again! Again, both songs are almost equally as good as the other. However, the additional lines in the newer version sung by LeFou is just too perfect. LeFou sings "There's a beast running wild, there's no question / But I fear the wrong monster's been released". Although it's just a small part of the song, it helps with LeFou's character development so much. At first, LeFou is just Gaston's biggest fan. However, he wavers after seeing Gaston tie Maurice to a tree. At this moment, he is questioning who the actual beast is. He has seen Gaston lock Maurice and Belle up, intending to send them to an asylum just because he was unable to woo and marry the prettiest girl in town. This particular bit explains why LeFou switches sides later on.

7. Beauty and the Beast (film version)

I'm referring to the song sung by Mrs Potts as Belle dances with the Beast. Both songs were good, but I prefer the one in the animated film. There was no need to make the song sound overly dramatic and add that extra flair. It was just about timeless, true love, so the scene deserves a simple, sweet song.

8. Beauty and the Beast (duet)

The new version by Ariana Grande and John Legend was so dull. I thought it was rather creative for the dancers in the music video to form a red rose. Apart from that, the song was just so boring and forced. It was as if they were just singing for the sake of it. There was more depth in Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson's version. The previous version was more romantic somehow, and their voices complemented each other's extremely well.


These are some other songs from both movies that are worthy of mention as well.

1. Gaston (Reprise)

This song is found only in the animated film. I love how it starts with "LeFou I'm afraid I've been thinking / A dangerous pastime / I know". It shows how Gaston is plotting to marry Belle by threatening to throw her father into the asylum. This song turns the upbeat song that was mainly sung by LeFou to cheer Gaston up into something more sinister. Sadly, it wasn't included in the 2017 film.

2. Days in the Sun

I love this song! It highlights each character's motivation and how they have changed due to the events in the film. The residents of the castle long to be freed from the curse and they wish to be reunited with their loved ones. Belle wants to be free too, and she realises that she has grown up a little at this point. She is no longer under her father's protection as she has decided to take her father's place as the Beast's prisoner. During her stay in the castle, Belle has come to care for the residents of the castle as they have been so kind towards her, and although she wishes to help break the spell, she does not know how.

3. How Does a Moment Last Forever

Whether sung by Kevin Kline, Emma Watson or Celine Dion, this song is just so nice! Maurice is shown tinkering with a music box and thinking about his late wife. The music box is in the shape of a windmill, which is modelled after their house in Paris. Belle later sings to this tune about growing up in that dusty attic and reminisces about her childhood.

4. Evermore

The Beast sings this song after dancing with Belle and after letting her go so that she can rescue her father. It's such a beautiful song because he's singing about how he had let her into his heart and how he would miss her now that she's gone.

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