Tuesday, June 13, 2017

10 Disney Songs We Can Relate To

Disney concept art for Tangled. (Image from Tumblr)

Here is a list of Disney songs that we all can relate to -- even without the context of the movie. Which means I'm not talking about songs where you sing about feet like you've never seen them before, or singing like you were a handsome street rat who's able to get away with stealing.

I mean, as much as we all want life to be like a Disney movie, we can't be a princess or a mermaid, or a mermaid princess. And in your daily life you wouldn't be singing about life under the sea or asking God to help the gypsies. You can't be a monkey asking about the secret of man's fire and we aren't gonna defeat the Huns and we can't all be snowmen dreaming about summer. We aren't fairy godmothers saying nonsensical magic words too. We aren't genies who can grant wishes or servants wanting more than dusting.

This means no duets; in real life, you don't just come up with a well-composed song and expect a random prince or princess to harmonise perfectly with you out of nowhere. Especially not on a magic carpet ride.

Also, I'm not talking about lame connections like singing "It's the circle of lifeeee! Humans are at the top of the food chain!" in front of your steak and have vegan friends stare at you. No.

1. Reflection (Mulan)
Look at me
I will never pass for a perfect bride
Or a perfect daughter
Can it be
I'm not meant to play this part?
I'm sure everybody can relate to Mulan when she start singing. It is so difficult to live up to the expectations of others. This is especially true for Mulan as the movie takes place in ancient China!

But I'm sure most of us can relate to Mulan. We may have traditional parents who expect us to fit into the mould of a typical daughter or son. Society also expects us to behave in a certain way, depending on your race, class, and gender. But what if we've tried, and we just can't do it? Why can't we go against social norms for a change?

2. I Won't Say I'm In Love (Hercules)

(Image from Tumblr)
If there's a prize for rotten judgement
I guess I've already won that
No man is worth the aggravation
That's ancient history, been there, done that
This is for anyone who's ever been in love. And when someone whom you like comes along, you're afraid. You deny that you're attracted to him/her. But deep down inside, you know you are. The inner voices inside your mind are like the Muses, telling you to just admit it and go for it.

Of course, unlike Meg, in the real world, the situation is much safer because at least you didn't sell your soul to Hades to save your ex-boyfriend's life before he left you for someone else. Ugh, men.

3. Colours Of The Wind (Pocahontas)
You think you own whatever land you land on
The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name 
You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew, you never knew
Ah, this is a classic. First of all, Pocahontas is telling us not to be so materialistic. Why are we so  bothered about what type of house we live in or what clothes we wear? Ultimately these are just dead things that we can claim as our own, but it doesn't make us happy.

Secondly, we should not judge others based on our own expectations. For anyone who has studied history, John Smith is a typical coloniser here, judging natives by his Western standards. Yuck.

But basically, this logic still stands. What's that cliche saying? Don't judge someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes.

For all the animal lovers out there, yes, animals are people too! Well, sort of. Remember that scene where Pocahontas stopped John Smith from shooting a bear, and it turns out that she's a mother bear with cubs to look after? I love that part. Animals are living creatures with souls and feelings. Why are we always competing with nature and destroying natural habitats? We should put ourselves in the position of animals too.

4. I'm Almost There (The Princess and the Frog)
Trials and tribulations
I've had my share
But there ain't nothing gonna stop me now
'Cause I'm almost there
Tiana represents the working class. The people who put in the most amount of hard work and backbreaking kind of labour, who slog their guts out all day and all night to get what they want. This song is for people like Tiana, who will aspire to achieve success someday.

5. Go The Distance (Hercules)
I am on my way
I can go the distance
I don't care how far
Somehow I'll be strong
I know every mile
Will be worth my while
I would go most anywhere
To find where I belong
Sorry, another one from Hercules. But I love this song! With every verse, there are changes to the lyrics to show the hero's progression. He starts off with a dream, feeling unsure about his place in this world. But he knows he'll "find his way". Then his adoptive parents point him in the right direction and he starts his journey, and the lyrics change to "I am on my way". In the last verse, he is absolutely confident about himself and sings that he will "beat the odds" and "face the world". This is powerful stuff. I always get goosebumps.

6. Let It Go (Frozen)
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried
Can you blame me for including this song? I know it's been overplayed but it is still so good. We can relate to the snow queen -- sometimes we feel like we are alone, or that we have to hide how we truly feel. Obviously we don't have any deadly ice powers to hide from the rest of the world, but what if the rest of the world has been holding you back from unleashing your true power? Shouldn't we just embrace ourselves for who we are?

7. I Wonder (Sleeping Beauty)
I wonder, I wonder,
I wonder why each little bird has a someone
If you've been brought up by three fairies in a cottage in the woods you would probably be as desperate as Aurora was and start being jealous of birds as well. In reality, this happens to most of us. When we are looking for love, we see all the happy couples out there and we wonder to ourselves: when would that ever happen to me?

8. So Close (Enchanted)
A life goes by
Romantic dreams must die
So I bid my goodbye
And never knew
I feel so sad when I listen to this song! When Giselle and Robert dance knowing that they cannot be together because they come from different worlds, I just feel sad. I love this scene.

Sometimes life gets in our way. Sometimes we think that we've met the right person at the wrong time. Sometimes we are just not brave enough to take the first step. Sometimes life pulls people apart.

9. Everybody Wants To Be A Cat (The Aristocats)
Everybody's pickin' up on that feline beat
'Cause everything else is obsolete
I'm talking about this song without the racist part (why does the Siamese cat have to be some dorky Chinese talking about Shanghai, Hong Kong, and fortune cookies?). Besides, who doesn't want to be a cat?

With the Internet being crazy over cats, I think it's a pretty good time to be a cat. We humans are jealous of how cats can just lie around, be cute, and not have to do anything. And now, cat celebrities probably earn more than we do. I wish I were a cat!

10. How Far I'll Go (Moana)
See the light where the sky meets the sea
It calls me
No one knows how far it goes
I'm sure everyone has had a burning desire to get away from their usual, mundane lives. Moana feels like the sea is calling out to her for some greater purpose. Sometimes, we feel that way too. Maybe there's something wonderful out there, waiting for us. Or maybe the sea is calling out to us because we just need a vacation at the beach.
I know everybody on this island
Seems so happy on this island
Everything is by design
I know everybody on this island
Has a role on this island
So maybe I can roll with mine
Just wanted to mention that this verse sounds pretty much like Singapore, where everything seems to be running smoothly.

Other songs worthy of mention:

I was thinking about these two songs, When You Wish Upon A Star (Pinocchio) and A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes (Cinderella). The message is similar: your dreams will come true if you keep on believing. They didn't make the list because I felt that these songs are quite cliche. Instead of just having faith and wishing upon stars, get up and do something about it!

A Spoonful of Sugar (Mary Poppins) reminds us that even if work sucks, if school sucks, and if life in general sucks, we should face whatever life throws at us with a positive spirit. Find a way to make challenges fun! Come to think of it, this sounds like Whistle While You Work from Snow White. (But I can't whistle. Ah well.) Again, they did not make the list because sadly, not everything can be made better with sugar or music. (And that's the gospel truth!)

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